A study published in the European Journal of Ophthalmology (1) compared combined treatment with intense pulsed light and low-level light therapy (eye-light®) with pharmaceutical treatments (e.g. eye drops).
It found that both IPL and LLLT treatment and hyaluronate sodium drops were effective in treating dry eyes.
However, the combined light therapy showed a statistically significant improvement in OSDI (Ocular Surface Disease Index) and SANDE (Symptom Assessment in Dry Eye) scores with the light treatment, which was not observed in users of artificial tears.
This interesting study once again confirms the superiority of light therapy over topical treatment, especially in the long term (after 6 months).
(1) The study by Alessandro Meduri, Giovanni William Oliverio, Giovanni Tedesco and Pasquale Aragona can be found here: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/11206721221127206
>> Click here for more information on the ‘eye-light’ system <<