bon shop
- Cleaning & Desinfection
- Handhelds
- Contact Lens Fitting
- Disposables
- Handles and Power Supplies
- Furniture
- Refraction/Sight Testing
- Ophthalmoscopes
- Accessory for Slit Lamps
- Applanation Tonometer
- Icare Tonometer
- Perimeter
- Lens Meters
- Cornea
- Dry Eye Diagnosis
- Glaucoma / IOP
- » Second Hand & Ex-Demo Units «
- Eye and lid care
Sturdy elbow rest “NEP” with soft padding for comfortable ophthalmoscopy at the slit lamp, with 3 extra height elements
breath guard / breathing protection for bon slit lamps, large 30×30
breath guard / breathing protection for bon slit lamps, small
Graduated eyepiece for bon slit lamps SL-85, SL-75 or DigiPro3+4
Satz 16x Okulare für Handspaltlampe XL-1
ergonomischer Schrägeinblick für bon Spaltlampen
Heine 10x Aufstecklupe für HSL-150