bon shop
- Cleaning & Desinfection
- Handhelds
- Contact Lens Fitting
- Disposables
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- Refraction/Sight Testing
- Ophthalmoscopes
- Accessory for Slit Lamps
- Applanation Tonometer
- Icare Tonometer
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- Lens Meters
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- Glaucoma / IOP
- » Second Hand & Ex-Demo Units «
- Eye and lid care
Heine Skiaskop / Retinoskop Trainer
Heine Ophthalmoskop Trainer
bon FT-2 vision tester for driver’s license
Langstereo® Stereotest 1-R
Set of castors for table T-70
bon T70 asymmetric table for 1 instrument
SOOFT “VITREAL S” Contrast Agent for Vitrectomy
Aesthesiometer Luneau L-12