The gentlest way to measure IOP is now even faster and easier.

iCare has added a new ‘Quick Mode’ to its popular IC200 tonometer model.

This innovative feature shortens the measurement cycle from six to three or even just two quick single measurements, making Quick Mode an ideal solution for even the most difficult subjects.

This means that you can now measure even cases such as restless or anxious subjects quickly and easily. The accelerated measurement process with proven rebound technology is of course also much more pleasant for the subject and also optimises the practice workflow.

The manufacturer of the original iCare rebound tonometers offers a sophisticated concept for perfect IOP management and screening: from the practice standard ‘IC100’, through the ‘IC200’ for measuring in any position, to the “HOME2” for convenient home monitoring of your glaucoma patients and the ‘Clinic’ analysis software.

>> More information about the iCare IC200

11 million iCare measurements

In Germany alone, around 11 million IOP measurements have been carried out with iCare tonometers in the last 10 years.
Over 100,000 iCare rebound tonometers have already been sold worldwide.

Patients love iCare for the gentlest way to measure IOP – barely noticeable and without anaesthesia.

Only iCare offers a sophisticated concept for perfect glaucoma patient management, including home monitoring, software solution and PTB approval.

>> More information about the iCare tonometers

konfokale Ultra-Widefield Bildgebung – jetzt vollautomatisch bis 200°

Das neue Ultra-Widefield-Modul für die EIDON True Colour Scanner von iCare bietet sowohl Panoramabilder der Netzhaut bis zu 200° als auch detailreiche Nahaufnahmen. Die Bilderfassung erfolgt vollautomatisch auf Knopfdruck.

Die EIDON Familie deckt eine große Bandbreite der Bildgebungsmodalitäten für die verschiedensten ophthalmologischen Anwendungen ab.

Schon das EIDON Basismodell liefert Ihnen herausragende Bilder mit beeindruckender Plastizität. Es stellt dabei nur eine minimale Pupillenanforderung von 2,5 mm und überwindet mühelos Medientrübungen wie Katarakt etc.

Das Modell iCare EIDON AF erlaubt zusätzlich Autofluoreszenzaufnahmen.

Das iCare EIDON FA ermöglicht außerdem FAG-Aufnahmen mit Videoangiographie der Frühphase.

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