Wissenschaftliche Fachpublikationen

  • Corneales UV-Crosslinking (CXL)
  • Netzhautscreening mit Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI)
  • iCare Rebound Tonometer
  • iCare Selbsttonometer für Glauompatienten
  • Perimeter Medmont M700
  • Trockenes Auge / Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD) allgemein
  • Trockenes Auge / MGD / TearLab & ScoutPro Osmolarity System
  • Trockenes Auge / MGD / Behandlung mit IPL / LLLT
  • Trockenes Auge / MGD / BlephEx Lidrandreinigung
  • Intraokularlinsen (IOL) / Scheimpflugkamera / Raytracingberechnung
  • Optische Kohärenz Tomographie (OCT) / OCT-Angiographie
  • Corneales UV-Crosslinking (CXL)

    "Long-term Results of Riboflavin Ultraviolet A Corneal Collagen Cross-linking for Keratoconus in Italy: The Siena Eye Cross Study"
    (Aldo Caporossi, Cosimo Mazzotta, Stefano Baiocchi, And Tomaso Caporossi)
    "Intraoperative and Postoperative Effects of Corneal Collagen Cross-linking on Progressive Keratoconus"
    (Paolo Vinciguerra, MD; Elena Albè, MD; Silvia Trazza, BS; Theo Seiler, MD; Daniel Epstein, MD, PhD)
    "Corneal Healing After Riboflavin Ultraviolet-A Collagen Cross-Linking Determined by Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy In Vivo: Early and Late Modifications"
    (Cosimo Mazzotta, Claudio Traversi, Stefano Baiocchi, Orsola Caporossi, Cristina Bovone, Maria Caterina Sparano, Angelo Balestrazzi, Aldo Caporos)
    "Refractive, Topographic, Tomographic, and Aberrometric Analysis of Keratoconic Eyes Undergoing Corneal Cross-Linking"
    (Paolo Vinciguerra, MD, Elena Albè, MD, Silvia Trazza, Pietro Rosetta, MD, Riccardo Vinciguerra, Theo Seiler, MD, Dan Epstein, MD, PhD)
    "Transepithelial corneal collagen cross-linking by iontophoresis of riboflavin"
    (Guzel Bikbova and Mukharram Bikbov)
    "Corneal iontophoresis and cross linking: a preliminary report of our experience"
    (A. Laborante, C. Longo, E. Mazzilli, K. Giardinelli)
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  • Netzhautscreening mit Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI)

    "Diabetic retinopathy screening with artificial intelligence"
    (Alberto Piatti MD, Carlo Bruno Giorda MD, Francesco Romeo MD)
    "Simultaneous screening and classification of diabetic retinopathy and age-related macular degeneration based on fundus photos"
    (Christos Skevas, Hanah Weindler, Max Levering, Jonne Engelberts, Mark van Grinsven, Toam Katz)
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  • iCare Rebound Tonometer

    "Application of the ICare Rebound Tonometer in Healthy Infants"
    (Anna Lundvall, MD, PhD, Helena Svedberg, MD, and Enping Chen, MD, PhD)
    "Comparison of the IOPen and iCare rebound tonometers with the Goldmann tonometer in a normal population"
    (J. Jorge, P. Fernandes, A. Queiro´s, P. Ribeiro, C. Garceˆs and J. M. Gonzalez-Meijome)
    "Comparison of the Rebound tonometer (Icare® TA01) to the Goldmann Applanation Tonometer*"
    (Antti Kontiola, M.D, Ph.D., Helsinki 2003 / *extract from the manuscript, authors A.Kontiola, E.Vesti)
    "Comparison of i-care Tonometer With Goldmann Applanation Tonometer in Glaucoma Patients"
    (Paolo Brusini, MD, Maria Letizia Salvetat, MD, Marco Zeppieri, MD, Claudia Tosoni, MD, Lucia Parisi)
    "Pressure Phosphene Self-Tonometry: A Comparison with Goldmann Tonometry in Glaucoma Patients"
    (Dennis S. C. Lam, Dexter Y. L. Leung, Thomas Y. H. Chiu, Dorothy S. P. Fan, Eva Y. Y. Cheung, Tien-Yin Wong, Jimmy S. M. Lai, and Clement C. Y. Tham)
    "Reproducibility and Clinical Evaluation of Rebound Tonometry"
    (From the Hospital Clinico San Carlos, Madrid, Instituto de Investigaciones Oftalmologicas Ramon Castroviejo, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain)
    "Comparison of iCARE Tonometer with Pulsair and Tonopen in Domiciliary Work"
    (Dawn E C Roberts BSc(Hons) MSc MCOptom)
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  • iCare Selbsttonometer für Glauompatienten

    "Evaluation of the ICare Rebound Tonometer as a Home Intraocular Pressure Monitoring Device"
    (Sanjay Asrani, MD, Ashmita Chatterjee, BSc,w David K. Wallace, MD, MPH, Cecilia Santiago-Turla, MD, Sandra Stinnett, DrPH)
    "Handhabung von Reboundselbsttonometern der ersten und zweiten Generation"
    (N. Mihailovic, J. Termühlen, M. Alnawaiseh, N. Eter · T.S. Dietlein, A. Rosentreter)
    "Icare Home Tonometer: A Review of Characteristics and Clinical Utility"
    (John Liu, Ticiana De Francesco, Matthew Schlenker, Iqbal Ike Ahmed)
    "Usefulness of Icare Home in Telemedicine Workflow to Detect Real-World Intraocular Pressure Response to Glaucoma Medication Change"
    (Carin D. Rojas, MD, David M. Reed, PhD, Sayoko E. Moroi, MD, PhD)
    "The utility of home tonometry for peri-interventional decision-making in glaucoma surgery: Case series"
    (Der Nutzen der Heimtonometrie für die peri-interventionelle Entscheidungsfindung in der Glaukomchirurgie: Eine Fallserie)
    (Ariana M. Levin, Elyse J. McGlumphy, Craig J. Chaya, Barbara M. Wirostko, Thomas V. Johnson)
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  • Perimeter Medmont M700

    "A comparison of perimetric results with the Medmont and Humphrey perimeters"
    (J Landers, A Sharma, I Goldberg, S Graham)
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  • Trockenes Auge / Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD) allgemein

    "Effectively Managing Ocular Surface Disease - A healthy ocular surface is critical to good outcomes in refractive and refractive cataract surgery."
    (Christopher E. Starr, MD)
    "DEWS: Definition und Klassifikation des Trockenen Auges"
    (Bericht des Unterausschusses für Definition und Klassifikation des International Dry Eye WorkShop (2007))
    "Dry Eye Diagnosis"
    (Santosh Khanal, Alan Tomlinson, Angus McFadyen, Charles Diaper, Kannu Ramaesh)
    "Tear Film, Contact Lens, and Patient-Related Factors Associated with Contact Lens–Related Dry Eye"
    (Jason J. Nichols and Loraine T. Sinnott)
    „Assessment of Tear Film Dynamics - Quantification Approach“
    (Alan Tomlinson, PhD, DSc, Fcoptom, Santosh Khanal, BSc)
    „Longitudinal Variability of Tear Film Osmolarity in Normal & Dry Eye Patients“
    (David C. Eldridge O.D., Benjamin D. Sullivan Ph.D., Michael S. Berg, Michael A. Lemp M.D., Daniel S. Durrie M.D.)
    "The development and evaluation of the new Ocular Surface Disease Index-6"
    (Heiko Pult, James S. Wolffsohn)

    Ausführliche Informationen rund um das Thema „Trockene Augen“ finden Sie auch auf der Website
    des Ocular Surface Centers Berlin unter https://oscb-berlin.org bzw. https://oscb-eyecare.org.

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  • Trockenes Auge / MGD / TearLab & ScoutPro Osmolarity System

    TearLab Osmolarity System Literature Review
    (TearLab / OcuSense, USA)
    "Comparison of OcuSense and Clifton Nanolitre Osmometers"
    (Alan Tomlinson, Louise McCann, E. Ian Pearce, Dept. of Vision Sciences, Glasgow Caledonian University, UK)
    "Tear osmolarity measurement using the TearLabTM Osmolarity System in the assessment of dry eye treatment effectiveness"
    (Umberto Benelli, Marco Nardi, Chiara Posarelli, Timothy G. Albert)
    "Testing Tear Osmolarity - Simplify the diagnosis and management of dry eye."
    (Jose M. Benitez-Del-Castillo, Md, Phd)
    "Tear Osmolarity - A New Gold Standard?"
    (Linsy Farris)
    "Tearlab™ Osmolarity As A Biomarker For Disease Severity In Mild To Moderate Dry Eye Disease."
    (Gary N FoulksMD FACS, Michael A Lemp MD, Michael Berg, Rahul Bhola MD, Benjamin D Sullivan PhD)
    „The Value Of Objective Data In Evaluating DED - Tear osmolarity and other tests can help diagnose and stage the disease“
    (Jay B. Pepose, MD, PhD)
    "Effect of tear osmolarity on postoperative refractive error after cataract surgery"
    (Kursite Anete, MD, Laganovska Guna, PhD, MD Stradins University, Riga, Latvia)

    Ausführliche Informationen rund um das Thema „Trockene Augen“ finden Sie auch auf der Website
    des Ocular Surface Centers Berlin unter https://oscb-berlin.org bzw. https://oscb-eyecare.org.

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  • Trockenes Auge / MGD / Behandlung mit IPL / LLLT

    "Combined low level light therapy and intense pulsed light therapy for the treatment of meibomian gland dysfunction"
    (Karl Stonecipher, Thomas G Abell, Bennett Chotiner, Erik Chotiner, Rick Potvin)
    "Low level light therapy for the treatment of recalcitrant chalazia: a sample case summary"
    (Karl Stonecipher, Richard Potvin)
    "Low-Level Light Therapy in the Treatment of Meibomian Gland Dysfunction"
    (Heiko Pult)
    "Messung der Hauttemperatur nach Intense Pulse Light (IPL)-Anwendung sowie Low-Level-Light-Therapie (LLLT)"
    (Heiko Pult)
    "Serial Sessions of a Novel Low-Level Light Therapy Device for Home Treatment of Dry Eye Disease"
    (Giuseppe Giannaccare, Sabrina Vaccaro, Marco Pellegrini, Massimiliano Borselli, Giovanna Carnovale Scalzo, Andrea Taloni, Rocco Pietropaolo, Ali Saeed Odadi, Adriano Carnevali)
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  • Trockenes Auge / MGD / BlephEx Lidrandreinigung

    "Clinical Effectiveness of Lid Debridement with BlephEx Treatment"
    (Daniel Mulder, Kirsti Kyser, Bonnie Rosenberg, Charles Connor, Christopher Choat, Srihari Narayanan)
    "BlephEx - A Retrospective Analysis of Data Pre and Post Treatment"
    (Alice Epitropoulos, MD)
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  • Intraokularlinsen (IOL) / Scheimpflugkamera / Raytracingberechnung

    "Intraocular Lens Power Calculation by Ray-Tracing after Myopic Excimer Laser Surgery"
    (Giacomo Savini, Andrea Bedei, Piero Barboni, Pietro Ducoli, And Kenneth J. Hoffer)
    "Accuracy of Scheimpflug corneal power measurements for intraocular lens power calculation"
    (Giacomo Savini, MD, Piero Barboni, MD, Michele Carbonelli, MD, Kenneth J. Hoffer, MD)
    "Intrasubject repeatability of corneal morphology measurements obtained with a new Scheimpflug photography–based system"
    (Raul Montalban, MSc, David P. Pinero, PhD, Jaime Javaloy, MD, PhD, Jorge L. Alió, MD, PhD)
    "Pachymetric measurements with a new Scheimpflug photography–based system Intraobserver repeatability and agreement with optical coherence tomography pachymetry"
    (Myriam Milla, MSc, David P. Pi~nero, PhD, Francisco Amparo, MD, Jorge L. Ali o, MD, PhD)
    "Repeatability of automatic measurements by a new Scheimpflug camera combined with Placido topography"
    (Giacomo Savini, MD, Piero Barboni, MD, Michele Carbonelli, MD, Kenneth J. Hoffer, MD, FACS)
    "Scheimpflug–Placido topographer and optical low-coherence reflectometry biometer: Repeatability and agreement"
    (Wuhe Chen, MD, Colm McAlinden, PhD, Konrad Pesudovs, PhD, Qinmei Wang, MD, Fan Lu, MD, OD, Yifan Feng, MD, MS, Jie Chen, MD, MS, Jinhai Huang, MD, MS)
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  • Optische Kohärenz Tomographie (OCT) / OCT-Angiographie

    "Baseline Risk Factors for Event and Trend‐Based Visual Field Glaucoma Progression Using Fourier‐Domain Optical Coherence Tomography in the Advance Imaging for Glaucoma Study"
    (Xinbo Zhang, PhD Casey Eye Institute, Oregon Health & Science University Portland, Oregon)
    "Corneal Epithelial Thickness Mapping by Fourier-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography in Normal and Keratoconic Eyes"
    (Yan Li, PhD, Ou Tan, PhD, Robert Brass, MD, Jack L. Weiss, MD, David Huang, MD, PhD)
    "Anterior Segment Optical Coherence Tomography: Assisted Topographic Corneal Epithelial Thickness Distribution Imaging of a Keratoconus Patient"
    (A. John Kanellopoulosa, George Asimellisa)
    „In Vivo 3-Dimensional Corneal Epithelial Thickness Mapping as an Indicator of Dry Eye: Preliminary Clinical Assessment“
    (Anastasios John Kanellopoulos And George Asimellis)
    "Baseline FD‐OCT Risk Factors for Glaucomatous Visual Field Conversion in the Advanced Imaging for Glaucoma Study"
    (David Huang, MD, PhD)
    "Repeatability and Reproducibility of Central Corneal Power Measurement Using RTVue FD-OCT System"
    (Yao Nie, Qienyuan Zhou, Ben Jang, Danny Leung. Optovue Inc, Fremont, CA.)
    "Evaluation Of Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness Measurements For Glaucoma Detection: Gdx Pro vs OCT Spectral-domain (RTVue and Spectralis)"
    (Fabio Mazzolani, Eleonora Benatti, Francesca Bertuzzi, Giulia Esempio, Eliana Rulli, Stefano Miglior)
    "Performance Evaluation on RTVue-100 Retinal Imaging in Normal and Pathological Eyes"
    (Cheng-en Guo, Nalin J. Mehta, Michael Hee, Ben Jang, Danny Leung, Michael Sinai)
    "Repeatability and Accuracy on the Measurement of Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer (NFL) Thickness Using RTVue FD-OCT System"
    (Yuanmu Deng, Ben Jang, Danny Leung, Xingzhi Luo, Rohit Varma, David Huang, Ou Tan, Mike Sinai)
    "Retinal Vascular Layers Imaged by Fluorescein Angiography and Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography"
    (Richard F. Spaide, MD; JamesM. Klancnik Jr, MD; Michael J. Cooney, MD)
    "Retinal Vascular Layers in Macular Telangiectasia Type 2 Imaged by Optical Coherence Tomographic Angiography"
    (Richard F. Spaide, MD; JamesM. Klancnik Jr, MD; Michael J. Cooney, MD)
    "A Promising Future for Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography"
    (David Sarraf, MD, Stein Eye Institute, David Geffen School of Medicine at University of California, Los Angeles)
    "Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography of Choroidal Neovascularization"
    (Talisa E. de Carlo, BA, Marco A. Bonini Filho, MD, PhD, Adam T. Chin, BA, Mehreen Adhi, MD, Daniela Ferrara, MD, PhD, Caroline R. Baumal, MD, Andre J. Witkin, MD, Elias Reichel, MD, Jay S. Duker, MD, Nadia K. Waheed, MD, MPH)
    "A review of optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA)"
    (Talisa E de Carlo, Andre Romano, Nadia K Waheed and Jay S Duker)
    "Quantitative optical coherence tomography angiography of vascular abnormalities in the living human eye"
    (Yali Jia, Steven T. Bailey, Thomas S. Hwang, Scott M. McClintic, Simon S. Gao, Mark E. Pennesi, Christina J. Flaxel, Andreas K. Lauer, David J. Wilson, Joachim Hornegger, James G. Fujimoto, David Huang)
    "Individualizing the intravitreal anti-VEGF dosing regimen for long-term management of neovascular AMD"
    (K. Bailey Freund, MD, and Michael Engelbert, MD, PhD)
    „Irregular Tear Film: Implications for Surgical Planning - Tear osmolarity may predict the accuracy of preoperative assessments for cataract and refractive surgery.“
    (Arthur B. Cummings, MB ChB, FSC(SA), MMed(Ophth), FRCS(Edin))
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